Thursday, September 10, 2020

Haven't started ch5 yet

 Yep. We haven't started translating chapter 5. Since we have jobs irl (I'm freelancing as a nsfw editor), we're finishing that up first before doing shounen manga translating.

Don't worry tho, we'll begin the translation next week but I'll be cleaning the said chapter earlier in order to finish the chapter asap.

Hope to release it soon lol.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Ashita no Familia Chapter 4 is out!

Just like what we've promised, we're announcing that we will be taking up Ashita no Familia by Akihiko Higuchi.

You can download it here for early access:

Remember to visit our FB Page and Join our Discord! You can also support us by donating in our Patreon!

Thank you for supporting us!



We'll release something soon... Keep in touch!

Good morning guys! Here's our Discord Link:

Feel free to join and chill with us! We'll be posting updates and announcements here.


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

A fresh restart. Hopefully.

We're restarting again.
We'll get back in a few weeks.
But, I assure you guys, we're on it.
